This gorgeous, indestructible shrub also happens to be one of the most powerful herbal medicines on the planet ... it's truly remarkable! Rock rose thrives in dry, poor soil in blazing sun. And in response to these harsh conditions, it makes potent plant compounds that are extremely healthy in preventing disease and treating illness. And it does all this with remarkable grace and ease, producing the cutest pink flowers that dot the bush all summer long.
Why We Love It
Here are some of the reasons why we love Rock Rose...
1) IMMUNE BOOSTER - Rock rose is one of the most powerful antimicrobial herbs on the planet. It is uniquely able to dissolve the biofilms that viruses, bacteria, and yeasts hide in, powerfully helping to clear microbes that are at the root of many chronic illnesses. It also is one of the few herbs that has been shown in research to be able to kill the microbe responsible for Lyme's disease and has been researched for its ability to clear upper respiratory infections and COVID symptoms. Here's the research.
2) - POWERFUL PREVENTION - Cistus incanus has been shown in several research studies to contain a huge amount of polyphenols, antioxidants, and other potent plant medicines shown to be helpful in preventing some of the most common diseases of aging. Here's the research.
3) REMARKABLY DELICIOUS DAILY MEDICINE - Most potent herbs taste pretty rotten, but not so with Cistus! Rock rose makes a delicious, slightly fruity tasting tea. It's one of our favorite ways to get in a powerful dose of homegrown plant medicine.
How to Grow It
Here's how to grow Rock rose:
GROWING ZONES | USDA ZONES 7-11 (Not sure? Find your growing zone here) |
Rock rose prefers to be planted in cooler weather. Press the seeds into the top of well-draining soil and keep moist and in the shade until they germinate which usually takes about 2 weeks. They prefer to germinate in temps that are 50-60 degrees. It helps to mix a little sand into the seed starting mix to ensure good drainage. We like to plant rock rose in the fall or very early in the spring. Winter Sowing is the easiest way to start these seeds. Here's a seed-starting tutorial for you. You won't believe how easy it is! |
How to Harvest & Use It
The parts of rock rose that are medicinal are the flowers, leaves, and stems. You can use them fresh or dried. We like to trim the bushes throughout the summer and pop them in the dehydrator so we can have Cistus tea all year long.
The plant compounds in Cistus incanus are so potent that it takes a full 3 brewings to get all of the medicine out. This is great news for us because that means that you can re-use your tea leaves 3 times before composting them. It's a great practice to have a cup of cistus tea with each of your meals of the day. When you steep your tea, make sure to cover your cup so you don't lose any of the healthy volatile oils. It combines really well with fruity flavors like hibiscus and lemon.
Here's a great video about the benefits of Cistus tea from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. For treating severe and chronic disease, he often recommends gradually working your way up to 6 cups of Cistus tea per day. Get ready to be amazed! (Cistus incanus tauricus)