Dessert and powerful herbal medicine in one! What more can you ask for? If you're looking for an easy-to-grow raspberry that gives you tons of sweet, delicious fruit without much work, this is the raspberry for you. This raspberry variety is loved for its rich color and excellent raspberry taste. We'll dig you a fresh plant right out of our patch so you can enjoy these ever-bearing raspberries for years to come. It's a joy to share them with you. (Rubus idaeus 'Heritage')
Note: Raspberries are available in the Spring season. During other months they will show up as out of stock. Sign up for notifications to get a reminder in January when raspberries will be back in stock!
Why We Love Them
Here are some of the gifts of this amazing plant:
1) SCRUMPTIOUS BERRIES! This raspberry gives us 2 crops of scrumptious raspberries faithfully every year! The first crop is in June and the 2nd, larger windfall of yummy raspberries comes September through frost. We had raspberries until the end of November last year!
2) HORMONE BALANCING TEA - We also harvest the leaves of this beautiful raspberry to make tea. Raspberry leaf tea is known to contain nutrients which help to nourish the hormonal system and help women's bodies feel their best. It makes a light, delicious tea which gives you a powerful dose of antioxidants and feel-good minerals.
How to Grow Them
Here's how to grow Heritage Raspberries:
GROWING ZONES | USDA ZONES 4-9 (Not sure? Find your growing zone here) |
FROM BARE-ROOT: Plant directly in garden soil once it is workable in spring. Bury root with 3-4'' stalk above ground. You can often see where the hairs of the raspberry stalk begin, this is the ground level best for planting at this level. Each year they will grow and spread into stronger more abundant berries. We notice in the first year roots grow mostly leaves, wonderful for tea, followed by stronger fruiting canes the following years. PRO TIP: Pruning is simple with this variety. You can simply cut them to the ground in late winter/early spring and they will give you a large harvest in late summer until frost every year. |
How to Harvest & Use Them
We harvest leaves for tea from the plants in spring. Raspberries love to run, so we like to dig up the runners and use the leaves for yummy tea. You can use the leaves fresh or dried for tea. Raspberry leaves contain many minerals that are wonderful for helping to support hormonal balance.
Raspberries can be harvested whenever they are red and plump. Heritage raspberries have a wonderful, rich true raspberry taste. We love eating them fresh and freeze any extras for year-round raspberry goodness!
Here's a nice video about how to harvest and use raspberry leaves: