Enjoy endless broccolinis all summer long with little to no effort! Our perma broccolini plants give you miniature broccoli heads all summer long. The more you harvest, the more they keep on comin! And after the summer harvest, they give you tasty leaves to enjoy all winter long. These perennial broccolini plants are selected from our breeding project for productive broccolinis season after season. (Brassica oleracea)
*Rooted plants of this variety will be an exact clone of the mother. Seeds will exhibit genetic diversity and you'll see wonderful variations in your plant babies.
Why We Love It
Here are some of the reasons why we love Perma Broccolini...
1) SWEET, TASTY BROCCOLINIS - These plants will put out an endless supply of mini broccoli heads. They are sweeter than traditional broccoli and they are cut and come again, producing over and over throughout the summer.
2) DELICIOUS LEAVES - These plants are more than just their broccolini heads. All winter long, they will give you delicious leaves that you can enjoy like any other green. We grow a variety of shapes and colors of leaves and select for great taste and pest resistance.
3) PACKED WITH NUTRIENTS - These broccolinis and leaves are packed with powerful plant medicine. They prevent oxidative stress, induce detoxification, stimulate the immune system, and reduce proliferation of cancer cells. Here's the research.
How to Grow It
Here's how to grow Perma Broccolini:
All brassicas like a good dose of calcium from time to time. We save our egg shells and grind them up in the blender and sprinkle around the plants and work into the soil. The key to a ton of broccolinis is to harvest before the buds open to flowers. If you notice that you didn't harvest in time and the yellow flowers open, simply cut off and the plant will continue to push out new broccolini heads for you all summer. How to root cuttings: We like to root cuttings in 4" or 1 gallon pots. Fill with moistened potting soil. Simply bury the cutting halfway in the soil. Tamp around the cutting to secure. Water occasionally to keep the soil moist. That's it! They root super easily and you should see new leaves start popping in 4-8 weeks. We root outside year-round in zone 9 and above. If you're colder than this, keep your potted cutting on a window sill until Spring. Let us know if you need any support. We're here for you! If your weather is expected to drop below 20 degrees, take a few cuttings, trim off all the leaves except for the top leaf, and stick into a pot with moist soil and keep on your windowsill. This will ensure that you'll have an endless supply of this amazing plant for years to come. From rooted plant: We trim all of the leaves except for the top leaf for shipping to prevent dehydration. Once you plant into moist soil, it will spring to life for you and immediately start growing leaves. It's best not to let your plant flower as it's getting settled into its new home. Trim off any flowers for the first few months. It will seem to grow slowly for the first couple months as the roots settle in, and then it will boom with growth! |
How to Harvest & Use It
Harvest the broccolinis frequently. The more you harvest, the more the plant will grow them. For maximum harvest, don't let the plant flower. If you notice yellow flowers, simply cut them off and the plant will continue making broccolini heads for you. You can let it flower at the end of the season to give the bees and beneficial insects a treat.
The leaves of these plants are tasty all year round, but they are the sweetest and most delicious when the weather gets cold. We grow a variety of colors and shapes of these plants. They will all make identical broccolinis for you, but the leaves will vary. Enjoy the diversity of the beautiful and tasty leaves. You can prepare them exactly the same way you would enjoy kale or collard.